A Word from the Editor:

So, yo. 

I know: super eloquent, right? (You’re completely wrong, bro.)

See, I don’t do well in front of groups, even cyber groups *laughs,* BUT, I figured I should introduce myself.

So, to reiterate: Yo. ‘Sup?

I am going to be the Editor for the Panda (AKA, J.M. Robbins,) as I’m pretty OK with grammar and spelling and linguistics in general. So hey, go team!

Unfortunately, I’m also not super good at writing for people to see, but, times change, and maybe people will WANT to know who I am. I mean, stranger things have happened, right? (Like, I mean, two seasons of it. XD)

As I’m sure you’ve noticed, I like making jokes at my own expense. Puns and wordplay are something I adore. There’s just something sweetly simplistic about them that warms my heart. (It probably helps that I grew up during the time period of just, like, all the puns, wordplay, and sass. Like…SO much.)

This fondness of words has kind of impacted every part of my life: given the choice between TV and books, I’ll usually read. First person games? Nah bro: only if they’ve got a good story. I love learning languages, and turns of phrase: there’s something so interesting to me about learning how other languages can be used to describe the world and its endless interpretations. (For example: in English, I grew up saying that someone had “Hit Me” written on their face, or that they had “punch appeal.” The Germans, however, have the most delightful word for it: “backpfeifengesicht,” which loosely translates into “a face that cries out for a fist.” Truly, languages are beautiful. XD)

My fondness for books showed me my interest in grammar as I came to the, quite frankly, startling revelation that, hey, not everybody takes what they read and learns from it.

I can hear you groan from here, so before you do, stop, take a deep, bracing breath, and allow me to explain:

I mean that not everyone can read books, keeping the story in their head, whilst also making mental notes on how the syntax is structured. Needless to say, that realization startled me, and actually unsettled me for a while: how on Earth was it possible that I could vary so wildly from other people, that I could do that, like it was some sort of weird superpower? However, this power comes at a price: I have never be formally trained.

What this means: I can make your grammar look pretty great, no lie. Just…don’t ask me why that comma goes there, or why we’re using that word instead of this, or how I know that we need to use THIS phrasing when weren’t you using third person before? Because I will look you dead in the eyes, MY eyes probably twinkling, and whisper “Aesthetics, bro.” And that is legitimately the closest to an answer I’ll have for you. Like…*shakes head* I just don’t know.

It’s also lead to this situation where I ENJOY writing: it’s a hobby, I do it for fun, purely for pleasure, whether or not anyone reads it. (I only have a few things/people that get acquainted. It is not common.) Let me be the first to tell you, going to work, and having people ask you what you do in your spare time, and responding that you write….you will get looks. A lot of them. (Apparently, that’s uncommon, too.)

So, uh, there: have some knowledge. XD

Thanks for sticking around, and if you didn’t, no worries. XO

(PS: I’m also doing my own blog of silly little writing stuff, if you want to check it out~!

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